Tuesday, March 5, 2013

February Wrap-Up

Adios, February! I think the few bizarre warm days we have had are making me excited for spring. I feel done with winter and ready for some sunshine and flowers. As for reading, I feel like I have been going back and forth between books I speed through in a day or two and books that seem to take forever to finish. But I feel like I am reading quite a bit, so all is well. 

Books reviewed in February: 9
Pages Read: 3,307
Fiction/Non-fiction: 8/1
Female authors/male authors: 6/3
My books/library books: 5/4
Lindsey's favorite books in February: Year of Wonders and Lost in a Good Book 

Books reviewed with David: 3
David's favorite book in February: Pippi Longstocking

What was your favorite read in February?

Literary Lindsey, David, and three sisters/aunts


  1. Aww, love that family pic :)

    I read so many great things in February that I don't think I can pick a favorite. Year of Wonders is up there though!

    1. Isn't that a great feeling? It's awesome to have a bunch of wonderful books in a row. :)
