Happy Birthday, Monster!
By Scott Beck
Abrams Books for Young Readers 2007
From our lovely local library
The Story: Ben the monster is throwing a surprise birthday party for his friend Doris the dragon. He invites all of the usual gang - you know, the vampire, the mummy, the skeleton, the alien, the ghost, and the robot. The juxtaposition of the usual (Ben brushing his teeth and flossing in the morning) with the unusual (the ghost has some difficulty eating the party nuts...when you don't have a body, snacks seem to fall right out).
Mama opines: This book has a sort of comic book feel to it. The illustrations are in panels, four to a page and there are words in bubbles to be found throughout. I picked this book up because we have a birthday boy in the house this week and it was a fun read. It would also be great for Halloween with all of the monster characters. Yay for an inventive plot and a book that has monsters and aliens without being dark or violent. This is a sweet book about friendship, even when your friends are a little different.
Thoughts from David: Well, the robot cleans the floor. I like it because
it’s almost my birthday and it’s Doris’ birthday too! She was a dragon! DRAGON!
(runs around room roaring) Remember she blows fire?
What is your favorite part? The
robot is my favorite! When they get to
do stuff, like the piƱata and dancing…..
Happy Wednesday from the almost four year old!