Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesdays with David: King Jack and the Dragon

King Jack and the Dragon
By Peter Bently and Helen Oxenbury
Dial August 2011
From the library

The Story: Jack sets off with his best friends Zack and Caspar to make a great fort. King Jack and his knights build a castle out of blankets, sticks, and a cardboard box. Then they are ready to do battle against the dragons and monsters that threaten their least until their mommies and daddies come to take them home.

Mama opines: This was a really sweet story with lovely illustrations. I loved the focus on imagination, playing outside, and friendship. I also liked that Caspar was younger than the other two boys, so it subtly emphasized playing with kids of all ages. 

Thoughts from David: I love this book. I liked the dragons! And the front of the book (the cover)! 
Favorite part: When his mommy and daddy come and he thinks they are a monster!

Happy Reading!


  1. This looks so cute and sounds like it will not make me weep uncontrollably...a problem with a LOT of the kids books I read.

    Adorable kid!
