Monday, March 28, 2016

It's Monday, how was your Easter?

Hello everyone! Happy Easter!

Last week was a very busy one for us. D has no school this week and my husband is off from work today, so we all stayed in our pajamas and spent the morning reading, playing, and taking it easy. I am finally emerging from the blanket cocoon to say hello to the world and talk about what everyone is reading!

I read Drama High, which follows a high school drama teacher who takes his students to heights that might seem impossible for their impoverished town. Then I got sucked into The Edge of Lost, which is billed as a mystery at Alcatraz but it's really more about what it is like as an immigrant and what it means to choose your family.

             The Edge of Lost    Drama High: The Incredible True Story of a Brilliant Teacher, a Struggling Town, and the Magic of Theater

I ran out of steam (or time) partway through last week, but I did link up with Trish to share A Day in the Life and I reviewed The Gone-Away World by Nick Harkaway.

The plan for this week is to read Kristopher Jansma's Why We Came To The City, which I started last night and am enjoying very much. Next up is The Girl From Everywhere.

            Why We Came to the City     The Girl from Everywhere (The Girl from Everywhere, #1)

What are you reading this week?



  1. The Edge of Lost is on my list. It sounds like you enjoyed it.

    1. It was a great read! I hope you enjoy it too.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day off! We could use a down day like that.

    The Edge of Lost and Drama High both sound especially good. Enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

    1. Sometimes you can feel that everyone just needs a quiet day. It will certainly make the rest of this week easier to tackle.

      Hope you have a great week, Sue!

  3. Is Drama High nonfiction? Those sorts of books are so much more inspiring if they're actually true! Happy Easter! :)

    1. It is nonfiction! It's written by a former student who is now a journalist.

  4. The Girl from Everywhere looks intriguing, going to read more about it, hope you enjoy it.

    1. So far it's pretty good. I started it yesterday!

  5. Yay, I'm so glad you're enjoying Why We Came to the City so far. I think it's my favorite book I've read this year.

    1. I loved it a lot. Have you read his earlier novel?

  6. I so want to read The Edge of Lost.

    I hope your reading week has been good.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. I hope you get to it soon! It was such a compelling read.
