Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's Monday and another week is on its way!

Hey there, ladies and gents. How are things? This week was pretty normal but the weekend was awesome. My best friend came and stayed for the weekend. She got here Thursday night and left Sunday morning. We went to the mall, which I don't think we have done in many years. We ate a lot of food, drank a lot of tea and coffee, played several games of Dutch Blitz, watched Dr. Who and the David Tennant version of Hamlet and generally had a fantastic time. We also sat in our respective comfy chairs and read our books because we are book nerds together like that.

Read This Week:
Open City
Open City
By Teju Cole

Posts from this Past Week:
It's Monday
January Wrap-Up
Wednesdays with David: Superhero
Review of White Teeth

Reading Now:
20 Under 40: Stories from The New Yorker
20 Under 40: Stories from The New Yorker
Edited by Deborah Treisman

By Tosca Lee

Up Next:
Laura Lamont's Life in Pictures
Laura Lamont's Life In Pictures
By Emma Straub

What are you reading this week?


  1. I haven't read any of these books. Your weekend though sounds perfect. Doctor Who and David Tennant, you really can't go wrong there.

    1. Can one have too much David Tennant in a weekend? I think not. :)
      Enjoy your books this week!

  2. Glad you had such an awesome time with your BFF!

    Have a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Thanks Shellyrae. I hope you have a great week too!

  3. It's lovely when you get to spend so much time with a good friend! Your books look great, I've not read any of those.

  4. All new to me. Enjoy them all and have a good week.

    1. Thanks so much. I hope you have a great week as well!

  5. Awwww - for sharing quiet book time reading with friends (I used to have friends like that....) AND for Doctor Who. Both are the best. It's nice to have friend time. The other day, I was feeling a little blue for various reasons and a younger friend of mine (young enough to be my daughter) came over, I was in my room and she climbed onto the bed and we watched a couple hours of t.v. together. Later we laughed because we both realized she had even climbed under the covers! That's being comfortable with each other. Better yet, no one batted an eye, not my husband, not my kids. Just a nice time watching t.v. together.

    Hope you have a great week - Rabid Reader

    1. That's a wonderful kind of friendship, isn't it? I always laugh when my friend comes to visit because she loads my dishwasher and offers me my own food!
      I hope you have a wonderful week. :)

  6. Don't you love having friends that share your passion! I remember going on a trip with a bunch of girlfriends and each afternoon, we would all have a little quiet time while reading!

    Did you end up getting much snow on Friday? We got about 15 inches (I'm in Rockland County, NY - not too far from you, I think.).

    Hope you have a great week!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

    1. It's wonderful to have other bookish friends. We usually end up exchanging books during a visit too!

      We did get some snow around here, but not as much as you. I think it was the perfect amount. My son finally got enough snow to really play in, but it wasn't so much that it was a pain to clean up.

  7. You're so lucky to have a book nerd friend like that, love it! I've been curious about that Straub book for a long while. I look forward to hearing what you think about it. Happy reading!

    1. I started making a list of 2013 releases I wanted to read and realized I hadn't read all of the 2012 books that I meant to pick up. I'm excited to start Laura Lamont in the next day or two. :)

  8. Ahh, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend :-)
    I've heard some things about 20 under 40... The other books featured are all new to me.
    I hope you enjoy your reads :-)

    1. I've had the 20 under 40 collection sitting on my shelf for a while. Short stories are perfect for reading before bed, aren't they?

      Have a great week!

  9. 20 Under 40 looks pretty neat :) Love a short story!

    Have a lovely reading week!

    Whatcha readin’ this week @ the Brunette Librarian

    1. I love reading short stories until I go to review them...then I have trouble remembering which was which! I hope you have a great week too. :)

  10. I read one of the books she co-wrote with Ted Dekker, but this is the first time I've read one of her solo novels. I really enjoyed it.

  11. Wow, Iscariot has had some amazing reviews. I also read the first Tosca/Ted Dekker book, but that's the only Tosca book I've read. Iscariot sounds like quite the read.

    1. It was a really quick read but it still makes you think about how we perceive Judas and his relationship with Jesus.

      Apparently she also wrote a book about Eve - I'm going to have to keep any eye out for that one now!

  12. Sounds like you had a blast with your friend. Side by side reading can be comforting in its own way. I hope you have a great reading week!

    1. It's lovely to have a lazy weekend with someone where you can just share space and life and not have to worry about entertaining someone, per say.

      Have a great week too!
