By Marc Tauss
Scholastic Press 2005
From the library

The story: Maleek is a little boy with a big love for superheroes. When his city needs him, he's ready to put on his own cape and save the day! With the help of his robot assistant Marvyn and some super gadgets, Maleek is on a mission to bring his local parks back to life.
Mama opines: I loved this book. Maleek will inspire the little superhero in your son or daughter, but he does more than just fly. He realizes that science holds the answers to a lot of problems and uses his laboratory to find a solution. The photographs that illustrate this book are striking black and white shots that I could look at all day long.
Thoughts from David: I like it because the superhero has a secret lab and because
it has a real superhero.
Favorite part: When the superhero spreads some kind of juice
all over the city that he lives in.
Happy Reading!

You are totally right. This content actually made my day.