Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesdays with David: The Yoda Chronicles Trilogy

Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles Trilogy
Scholastic 2014
96 pages
From our shelves

The story: Count Dooku and General Grievous have another evil plan to destroy the Jedi. Only Yoda and his Padawan students stand between the evil Sith and the destruction of the Jedi Order. Can they save the day?

Mama opines: This book is the story from 3 Lego Star Wars episodes. There are lots of pictures and plenty of snarky comments from the Lego characters. Little Jedis will love this one.

Thoughts from David: Ooh boy! Another Star Wars book done. This is the best book I've ever read. Every time I read this one, I keep having more ideas for playing Lego Star Wars. All those, oh man. I can just think of them. Just think about it! I know that this is just the best book I've ever read.

Ok, ok, ok. Now that I think about it, it's my favorite because it has these things and I will list the following items.
1. Jek-14
2. C-3PO (He's clumsy this time....)
3. General Grievous
4. Raku
5. Bobby
6. The army of cloned clones
7. Chancellor Palpatine
8. An eight thousand year old green guy (It's Yoda in the book. Just don't tell!)
9. The whole entire Sith order, now reborn

At the end, I can just imagine those badges that the Padawans and Jek got.

Happy Reading! 


  1. This is a very cute review! These Star Wars/Lego books sell incredibly well at my store. I'm glad that a favorite of my own childhood is still being enjoyed by kids today.

    1. He bought it at the school book fair. He loves Legos and I do too (as long as I'm not stepping on them all the time...).

  2. Book is really amazing to read for the child. As such books develop the interest of child towards the book reading from childhood and get info to click on to get educational task. You can see in this picture how these two children are reading this with great interest. Good to know that this book are available easily.
