Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Book Bloggers Appreciation Week: Interviews

Hello fellow books bloggers!

Today is Day 2 of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, so we are interviewing each other to get the scoop on everything you always wanted to know about book blogging. I got to chat with Julianne of Outlandish Lit. We are probably literary opposites - Julianne adores anything weird and creepy, while scary books make me want to sleep with all the lights on. She reviews lots of weird and unexpected stories and you know, does makeup tutorials in her spare time because she is awesome.


How do you pick your next book?
Oh god, a question I've never known how to answer haha. I mostly tend to decide based on whether or not it's an ARC that's going to be published soon or if it's a library book due back soon. Boring answer, I know. I make my decisions based on fear.

Where do you like to read? 
I used to do most of my reading on the subway in Chicago. It was super hard to adjust to a life without a 80 minute commute every day, because I had to start actively making time to read. So now I like to do most of it on my enormous couch. Or outside when it's not winter (and it's always winter in Minnesota sooo).

What genres do you like to read and why? Which genres do you shy away from and why?
I like literary fiction that's a little weird. I also like science fiction and horror, and some fantasy every once in a while. I really appreciate books that are speculative and that really utilize the form of writing to create slightly unreal realities to comment on how things actually are. Genres I shy away from... Romance, because my heart is cold and just listening to Prince songs makes me blush.  

How do you go about writing a review?
Begrudgingly haha. I spend approximately 30 minutes whining to whoever is nearby about how I don't want to write a review. Then I focus for a second and start writing about why I did or didn't want to read the book in question. After that, the review just kind of starts to flow. Then, of course, I make somebody read it to make sure it is just the right amount of rambly.

Why do you blog? 
I blog because I've always tried to create spaces for myself when I couldn't find any already available to me. At first I just wanted to encourage myself to read more, but then I saw a pretty big void in spaces where weird adult literary fiction and science fiction is talked about (plus reality TV every once in a while). So I went ahead and created the kind of blog I wanted to see. And I don't want to be cheesy and say if you build it they will come or whatever, but I've met so many like-minded people through my blog and that's all I could have ever hoped for when I began.

I'm so glad I got to know Julianne a bit better. Go check out her blog or say hi to her on Twitter @OutlandishLit! 


  1. Great interview! Julianne's blog is new to me but I like the sound of her reading choices.

    Reading With Jade

  2. Love your answer to how you write a review! I'm not big on romance either -- unless it's buried in another genre (mystery, fantasy).

    1. Exactly! I can definitely end up rooting for a couple without realizing it if there's another story going on. But if the book's ONLY about lovin, I can't handle it haha.

  3. Prince songs should makes you blush. Of course, Little Red Corvette was my favorite when I was ten because I took the lyrics at face value and thought they were about horses.

  4. I need to check out your makeup tutorials because I am legit a disaster at eyeliner. Also, you rock teal tips better than anyone ever.

    1. Oh my goodness thank you!! My makeup tutorial has a lot of insider tips such as: we all die in the end. And how to do a wicked winged liner.

  5. I agree about finding like-minded people. I think it will happen and you find your place in the blogging world. Nice interview!

  6. Oh I TOTally make my reading decisions based on fear. Once my library account has a "Maximum no. of renewals reached" notification on a book, I will read it immediately. It's like I can't possibly ever check out a book a second time once I've renewed it. :p

    1. hahaha I've definitely been checking out a certain book since August. I'm a mess.

  7. Julianne just happens to be my book-blogging soulmate, and you've really captured her wondrous weirdness here. So glad you two could meet!

  8. That enormous couch sounds like a great reading spot! I'm glad to meet both of you through BBAW this week!

  9. Hahaha..that is exactly how I go about writing a review. But I don't really read scary books. I share your feelings on them Lindsey - scary books make me want to sleep with all the lights on too, if I get any sleep for some days, that is.

  10. Great interview! Good questions and a lot of your answers made me smile :)
