Monday, January 2, 2017

It's Monday and I'm back!

Hi friends! I took a week or so off to enjoy the holidays. For us, that meant church services on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day, lots of baking, a nine year old with a high fever that wouldn't quit, a quiet Christmas dinner with my family, a boisterous New Year's celebration with my husband's side of the family, and a few quiet moments in between!


Peanut butter reindeer cookies and
 milk for Santa and oats for the reindeer!

Christmas aftermath

Thankfully, there has been a lot of reading this past week or so! Here's what I've been reading lately:


The Mother Letters: Sharing the Laughter, Joy, Struggles, and Hope     The Paris Wife

I'm currently reading This Is Where You Belong, which gives some readers some tips for making the towns where they live feel more like home. I'm listening to The Book of Unknown Americans, so I would say reading in 2017 is off to a great start.

Tell me all about your holiday celebrations and what you're reading this week!


  1. Yeah for books and fun Christmastime activities!

    I just finished the Lauren Graham book, and am now watching Parenthood on Netflix because she was in it, and is a fun actress to watch. After that, a rewatch of original Gilmore Girls because I never watched it all, and so will start from the beginning.

    I'm also interested in your title about belonging where you are, as someone who has moved several times in her life. Thanks!

    1. What did you think of the Lauren Graham book? I love Parenthood and Gilmore Girls. They are wonderful to re-watch while working on something else.

      This Is Where You Belong is good so far. I like that she gives the reader actionable steps.

  2. I hope you had a good Christmas! And I'm jealous you have a copy of Lauren Graham's latest; there are 110 holds on it at my library. Pbb! It's going to take me awhile to get my chance to read it at that rate. :)

    1. Oh wow! There were a few holds at my library but nowhere near 110!

  3. Happy New Year! It sounds like you had a wonderful (and eventful) holiday. I hope your nine-year-old is feeling better now.

    As for me, I took the week off from work to hang out with my kids. We did a lot of reading and writing together. It was lovely.

    1. That sounds lovely. What are you all writing these days?? :)

  4. Did you love The Paris Wife? It's one of my favorites and I bet The Book of Unknown Americans is excellent on audio!

    1. I did really enjoy it! I wasn't sure about it because I am slightly dubious of the wife/daughter trend, but McClain did a great job.

  5. Looks like you've been doing a lot!! Our holiday was quiet, it's so weird with grown kids who only come home for a day or two. I listened to the Laura Graham book and really enjoyed it. Happy Reading in 2017!

    1. I bet! My youngest sister is in college, but three of us still live pretty close to my parents so we can make our visits a little longer.

      Happy reading to you too!

  6. It looks like you all had a great Christmas! I still need to read the Hamiltome...soooon!

  7. It sounds like you and your family had a lovely, if action packed, festive season - and I'm sure you wouldn't have it any of other way. Love the Christmas aftermath shot; I'm that mum that has a bin liner ready to put all the wrapping paper in after each gift!

    I hope you enjoy all your upcoming reads, and are getting the new year off to a great start. I'm taking part in Bout of Books currently and having a lot of fun with rereading.
