Monday, August 21, 2017

It's Monday and life is moving right along!

Hi there, bookish ladies and gents!

I'm posting a little late because I spent Sunday night with my youngest sister and then changed my work schedule so I worked today. But I'm here now and ready to hear all about the best books you've been reading.

Warp: A Novel   Ahsoka (Star Wars)

I read Lev Grossman's Warp and Zinzi Clemmons' What We Lose this week. I'm still working through Show Them No Mercy, which features several takes on how we can reconcile the God who calls his people to war in the Old Testament and preaches love and mercy in the New Testament. I'm also reading E.K. Johnston's Ahsoka because I love Star Wars and E.K. Johnston.

What are you reading this week?


  1. For a sec, when I was scrolling through Feedly, I thought that pic was of the WARBRINGER cover, and my supportive enviousness flared right on up! Ahsoka looks gooood gooood too!

  2. These books are really good.Their cover's look so good that without even reading the plot i am keen to read this book!I love to read but i don't know any good books but thanks to your blog post i got know some good books.

  3. the book is very great. I really like to read this book. Thanks
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