Sunday, August 14, 2016

It's Monday and the AC is my friend

It's disgustingly hot, as you all know. I pretty much just want to sit next to my air conditioner and drink something cold. But life goes on, in spite of the heat. D was at soccer camp for a few days this week, which meant I had the opportunity to deep clean his room. I am hoping to get this house a little bit organized before school starts in September!

I read World of Trouble this week and I have a lot of thoughts. I see a blog post about apocalyptic stories in the near future. I also read The Book of Esther. That story went some places I did not expect!

            World of Trouble (The Last Policeman, #3)     The Book of Esther  

Right now, I'm reading Jonathan Edwards which is a giant biography I have had on my shelves since I got it as a college graduation gift. Because it's so big, I will be using my tried and true system of reading at least 25 pages in my giant book each day and reading something else alongside it. The more manageable book this week is Simon Van Booy's Father's Day.

             Jonathan Edwards       Father's Day

What are you reading this week?



  1. I am forever grateful that I live in a temperate climate - we get a few days of intense heat every summer, but other than that we generally escape the oppressive heat. Thank goodness for that!

    1. I think this has been an unusually hot summer for NJ. We usually have a good summer, but it's been 100+ around here this past week!

  2. The heat sounds terrible!

    Good luck with that massive biography. I hope it is an interesting read!

    Here's my weekly round up : #IMWAYR

    1. Thanks Di! It's interesting so far. I kind of enjoy tackling giant books. :)

  3. Eager to hear your thoughts on the two books you recently read!

  4. It’s disgustingly hot here, too. It gives me an excuse to sit inside and read.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Right? "I'm just going to sit here next to the AC with some iced coffee and this giant stack of books" seems like the only thing to do right now!

  5. The Book of Esther and Father's Day are on my list. Happy Reading!

    1. Father's Day was so, so lovely. The Book of Esther was definitely interesting. I think I'm still processing it a little!

  6. Nice looking assortment of books! Our weather seems to be moderating. We are at least cooling off overnight. Here is my weekly report. Happy reading!

    1. That's wonderful. I think today is the first day in a while we have temperature in the double digits. The kids might even be able to play outside today!

  7. It's been SO hot here too! I like your method of mixing something more manageable in with a chunkster.

    1. It works for me! And I don't feel quite so bogged down by knowing I still have 400 pages to go.

  8. It's always hot here, lol, but August is our hottest month. We actually only have to use our A/C half the year and the other is pleasant enough for open windows and back door. Hope your son is enjoying his soccer practice.

    I'm interested in your thoughts on the Ben Winters series plus post-apocalyptic stories in general, as you are a person of strong faith. Do you enjoy them just for the fun of it, or examine them deeper? Thanks!

    1. He had fun at camp, but I think he's glad to be home now.

      Thanks, Rita. I think I tend to read them just for fun, and this series is much less spiritually focused then some other ones. However, there are some really interesting conversations in the last book where the protagonist talks with an Amish family about how they are preparing for the end of the world.

  9. Good plan to get through a long book. I actually read 4 or 5 all at once, only a few chapters a day in each per day.

    1. I love hearing how other people read! Do you try to pick very different books or can you keep track of all the different plots?

  10. It's been hot here too but I guess it's to be expected in summer. I love your list of books, especially Father's Day. I'll have to check that one out. Happy reading!
