Monday, November 7, 2016

It's Monday and November is crazy

Hello bookish people! How are things?

I think I hit a bit of a wall this week with things being stressful and crazy around here. I'm trying to make some time for myself to breathe, so it was good to run away for a bit on Sunday afternoon and visit two of my sisters with my mom.

Part of taking good care of me is reading, of course. I read Truevine this week, which follows the lives of brothers who performed in a circus sideshow and the difficulties that shaped their family as poor black people living in Virginia. Then I curled up in bed with the latest edition of Saga

         Truevine: Two Brothers, a Kidnapping, and a Mother's Quest: A True Story of the Jim Crow South  Saga, Volume 6

Next up is Lessons in Belonging From A Church-Going Commitment Phobe and then I will continue my week of faceless women with Kate Forsyth's novel The Wild Girl

         Lessons in Belonging from a Church-Going Commitment Phobe    The Wild Girl                     

What are you reading this week?



  1. It's aways good to take time for yourself. Everyone else benefits from it! Enjoy the "faceless" women!

  2. Lol, yes similar cover characteristics. I hate to say that sometimes covers can make or break my decision to pick up a book.

    The Forsyth book looks interesting to me. Enjoy your week and try not to be stressed.

  3. Truevine sounds interesting. I will have to look it up.

  4. Just read your About Me page. What an interesting life you have ^__^. Thank you so much for stopping by my little blog. You had a good, solid reading this week. I'm interested in seeing what you think of Kate Forsyth's book. I read her Bittergreens for Dewey's read-a-thon last year and what a fractured fairy tale for adults!

  5. ha ha - the Faceless Women comment made me laugh! Weird coincidence!

    I haven't heard of any of these books yet, but they all sound interesting.

    November IS crazy - I can't believe we are here already, with Thanksgiving break just 2 weeks away - yikes!

    Hope you enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

  6. Reading is definitely something I turn to when I need a little me time - time to yourself every now and then is so important!

    I hope you enjoy your books, and have a great week!
