Hey guys and girls! How is everybody? Did you have a good week? I had one of those weeks where you are constantly trying to catch up and failing miserably. I have great hope for this week though.
We went to a Christmas in December dinner on Saturday night, which was fun. I spent a lot of Sunday sleeping. Stomach bugs are the absolute worst. Now I am preparing for a few days without the hubby, since he's jetting off to Florida (stinker!).
Now, about those books...I couldn't help it. I wasn't going to read the last two Hunger Games books back to back. I was going to read Catching Fire, then read some other books and then read Mockingjay. But then the other book I was reading was sort of slow, and I wasn't feeling so great, and Mockingjay was just staring at me from the shelf. What can you do?
Now, about those books...I couldn't help it. I wasn't going to read the last two Hunger Games books back to back. I was going to read Catching Fire, then read some other books and then read Mockingjay. But then the other book I was reading was sort of slow, and I wasn't feeling so great, and Mockingjay was just staring at me from the shelf. What can you do?
Read This Week:
Catching Fire
By Suzanne Collins
By Suzanne Collins
Reading Now:
By Charles Frazier
Posts from This Week:
It's Monday
Wednesdays with David
Reviews of The World We Found, Mighty Be Our Powers, and Mr. Fox
Coming Up Next:
Camp Nine
By Vivienne Schiffer
This Side of Paradise
By F Scott Fitzgerald
So tell me....watcha reading? Leave me comments? Please? Have an amazing week!
P.S. - Do you guys know Tanya Patrice? I was featured on her blog earlier this month as a part of her excellent Bloggers Recommend Series. Check it out!
Oh I loved the Hunger Games trilogy! Hope you have a great reading week :)