Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's Monday and January is almost over...

Hello from the lovely land of New Jersey! How is everyone doing? Yesterday was busy with lots of churchy things (why do they let me play the piano when the music guy is away?) and spending time with family. Today we are hunkering down and getting back to work - a trip to the grocery store, laundry, and starting a new freelance project. Isn't being a grownup fun? 

Read This Week:

By Charles Frazier

Camp Nine
By Vivienne Schiffer

Finishing up (probably as you read this):

This Side of Paradise
By F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posts from this Week:
It's Monday
Wednesdays with David
Reviews of Catching Fire and Nightwoods
Change of Plans

Coming Up:

David Copperfield
By Charles Dickens
(Expect a review for this one by...oh, the end of the year)

The Flame Alphabet
By Ben Marcus

Happy Reading, dudes and dudettes!


  1. Sounds like you have been busy! Enjoy this week with the books :)

  2. I am one of the few i am sure that find Charles Dicken's novels tedious

    Have a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. I have to say I did not like Great Expectations one bit. But I'm enjoying David Copperfield so far. We shall see!

  3. David Copperfield was my first Dickens when I was 12 and I absolutely loved it. Remains one of my favourites to this day and has one of the creepiest characters I have ever come across. Hope you enjoy.

    1. I am enjoying it so far! I'm only about 40 pages in, so I have a long way to go. I'm glad you love it.

  4. Dickens can be a challenge, bravo for taking it on. I haven't read one since forced to in school.

    Have a great week!!

    1. Thanks! It's going well so far. I hope you have a great week too!

  5. I love, love, love your reading selections!

  6. Thanks Tasha! I hope you have an excellent week as well!
