Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesdays with David: Good Luck, Anna Hibiscus!

Good Luck, Anna Hibiscus!
By Atinuke
Illustrated by Lauren Tobia
Walker Books 2011
110 pages
From the library 

Good Luck, Anna Hibiscus!

The Story: Anna loves living in Africa with her big, boisterous family. But she is scheduled to go visit her Granny in Canada. Anna must find warmer clothes to take on her trip and figure out how to say goodbye to the family she adores. 

Mama opines: This book is a sort of collection of stories. They are all leading up to Anna's departure, but each story stands on its own and begins with "Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa. Amazing Africa."

I saw this book recommended in a list for strong readers. Given that it can be very difficult to find children's literature with a protagonist who isn't white and middle class, I was excited to hear about this book. Life in Africa seems very accessible, and Atinuke balances things that are universal (like pesky little brothers) with things that are foreign to our children, such as sharing water with poor neighbors during a drought. 

Thoughts from David: Anna Hibiscus is very not excited about going to see her grammy, Grammy Canada of course! That is her grammy. As I already told you, Anna Hibiscus is not excited about going to see her grammy. Anna lives in Africa, amazing Africa! Now, let's get on to my favorite characters. #1 - Anna Hibiscus. She is my #1 favorite character because she's the star of the story. Favorite character #2 - Koko, because she is very good. 

Favorite part: When her family gives her things to take on her trip

Happy Reading!

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