Monday, August 31, 2015

It's Monday and it's one week till school starts!

I might be a bit sad today. It is possible I said bye to two of my favorite ladies before one headed back home to Mississippi and another moves clear across the country. But I'm trying to focus on being a productive human being because school starts in a week and there is a lot to do.

This week I read the bleak and powerful The Small Backs of Children and found purpose in the small moments with Emily P. Freeman's Simply Tuesday.

The Small Backs of Children    Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World

Next up is The Word Exchange and then Ink and Bone. What are you reading this week?

The Word Exchange   Ink and Bone (The Great Library, #1)


  1. :( It's always rough when good friends move away. I hope you find some comfort in your books this week!

    1. Thanks Shaina. It's funny because we've never really lived close to each other, but this is going to be the most distance yet!

  2. Aw, I'm sorry to hear about your friends moving! That's rough. Simply Tuesday sounds like a great, happy book to be reading at a time like that.

    I loved The Word Exchange and I can't wait to hear what you think of it! I'm also loving the new cover on your version. Very fun!
