Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's Monday and I'm back!

Hello, my reading friends. I hope you had a very merry Christmas! We have had a nice few days here - we had our church service on Christmas Eve, dinner at our house on Christmas day, dinner on Friday night with extended family who were visiting from out of town, and a Christmas celebration with my husband's side of the family. We are a tired bunch and the kids are appropriately spoiled.

I have been on a crazy reading spree these past few days. I set a goal to read 110 books this year and I'm only one book away now. Hooray!

Read This Week:
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
By Anna Quindlen

The Last Camellia
The Last Camellia
By Sarah Jio

When God Was a Rabbit
When God Was a Rabbit
By Sarah Winman

Posts from this Past Week:
It's Monday
Merry Christmas!

Still Reading:
Pinkerton's Great Detective: The Amazing Life and Times of James McParland
Pinkerton's Great Detective
By Beau Riffenburgh

Up Next:
By Nicola Griffith

The Arabian Nights
The Arabian Nights

What are you reading during this last week of 2013?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Sheila. So far, they have been pretty good!

  2. Interesting mix. Sarah Jio is popular, I should check her reviews.

    1. Yes, I've heard so much about her books but this was my first time reading one.

  3. Nice assortment of books. Good luck on reaching your reading goal. Come see my Monday Report here. Happy reading and happy new year!

  4. I am so curious what you think of The Last Camellia! Enjoy your books this week!

  5. Sounds like a great Christmas! We traveled for Christmas so now we're in recovery mode!

    Hild sounds very good!

    1. It's so nice to see family over the holidays. I hope you get a few days to recover before life gets back to its normal level of crazy!

  6. I'm so interested in what you'll have to say of Hild! I had it via the publisher from Netgalley but didn't get around to it. :(

    1. I'm liking it so far. It's a big book though!

  7. Congrats on reaching your goal! I'm hearing great things about Hild. Happy new year!

    1. Hild is quite good. It's making me wish I could send the kids to grammy's for a day or two and just read all day! Happy New Year to you too!

  8. One book away - so close! Did you manage to meet your goal of 110 books? That's a lot, you should be proud! How many do you intend to read in 2014?
    Happy reading for the new year!
    Bits & Bobs

    1. I did make it and just under the wire! I think I finished at 11:45 on New Year's Eve! I scaled back a tiny bit for 2014. 105 will be a bit more manageable, I hope.
      Happy New Year and happy reading!

  9. I did read until almost midnight! I think I did some poor planning when it came to my December reads. When you throw in a few books with 400 pages or more, it makes that goal a bit harder to reach!
    I hope your New Year is off to a great start!

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