Sunday, March 8, 2015

It's Monday - Did you join the Flash Readathon?

Hey there. How are you doing?

I was excited to see that Monika. Heather, and Andi organized a spur of the moment readathon this weekend. I decided I should join in and managed to read two more books this weekend. Hooray!

Read Last Week:
Vanessa and Her Sister                                The Thing Around Your Neck
Vanessa And Her Sister                                   The Thing Around Your Neck
By Priya Parmar                                                By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Flash Readathon books:
After Birth                                    The Arm of the Starfish
After Birth                                                               The Arm of the Starfish
By Elisa Albert                                                        By Madeleine L'Engle

Posts from this Past Week:
It's Monday
February Wrap-Up
Reviews of Girl Before a Mirror and Every Valley

This Week's Reading
 The Legacy of Lost Things                            Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
The Legacy of Lost Things                            Daring Greatly
By Aida Zilelian                                               By Brene Brown

What are you reading this week?


  1. I didn't join the readathon, but I was talking to readathoners a bit this weekend! Sounds like it was a lot of fun. The Legacy of Lost Things looks intriguing, I hope you end up liking it. And ah, The Thing Around Your Neck... I want to read that soon!

    1. The Legacy of Lost Things is good so far. I just started it this afternoon. The Thing Around Your Neck was a great collection of stories. Have you read anything else by Adichie??

  2. I spotted the flash readthon too late to join in....not that I had much time for reading this w/e anyway *sigh* glad you got some solid reading time in though :-)

    I'm keen to hear about Vanessa and her Sister...and I like what Brene Brown has to say too.

    1. I'm sorry your weekend was so crazy! I will be interested to see if other flash readathons appear in the future. :)

  3. I spent Saturday at my school carnival, so I never got a chance to join into the readathon. Oh well. Next time.

    Hope you enjoy Daring Greatly. I did.

    Here's my It's Monday!

    1. That sounds like fun though! I'm really excited to read Daring Greatly. It's been recommended by so many great readers. :)

  4. i missed the flash readathon, but generally weekends keep me too busy for much reading.

    Have a great week,Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Sorry you missed it, but it looked like you had a great weekend with your aunt!

  5. Oh, I'm admiring Daring Greatly. I'm not great with non-fiction (ie. I hate it) but I do like Brene Brown!

    1. I've heard nothing but raves. I'm excited. :)

  6. I've never heard of the L'Engle book, what did you think? I absolutely adore A Wrinkle in Time, but haven't read many of her books!

    1. I was just chatting about this with another blogger. So L'Engle has several series, but it's confusing because they all feature some overlap. You've got the Time Quintet, which is the bunch that includes Wrinkle in Time. Then there is the O'Keefe Family books, which follow Meg's kids. Then you have the Austin family books. Whew!

      Anyway, The Arm of the Starfish is the first O'Keefe book. I liked it but I think I will always love the ones with Meg and Charles Wallace the best.

    2. I think I read one of the Austin family books at one point? I don't really remember. I haven't even finished the Time Quintet - I keep meaning to, but I get wrapped up in Wrinkle and never get any farther.

    3. I love all of the Time Quintet books. I would read the whole bunch over and over. :)

  7. I am excited to read Vanessa and Her Sister. I didn't know about the readathon, but I had a little one all my own I think, and finished 3 books. Hope you'll have time to visit my post.

    1. Nice! I wasn't sure if Vanessa and Her Sister would grab me, but I ended up staying up much too late to finish it!

  8. I joined in the flashreadathon for a couple hours each day, but only managed to finish half of one book (My Brilliant Friend). It's a good book though.

    1. Any time you get more reading done is good, right?? :)

  9. I read the blurbs for your books and they all sound interesting, but I don't know if I would pick them up for myself personally. Congrats on your readathon success. Thanks for sharing-- and yes, I'm back blogging again :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It's good to see you back to blogging. :)

  10. I missed the readathon. What a fun idea! Hopefully I'll catch the next random one. Always need an excuse to read more. :)

  11. I've got Vanessa and Her Sister marked for Nonfiction November! Will look out for your review!

    1. I'm pretty sure it's historical fiction. But you should still pick it up!! :)

  12. I loved 'Americanah.' Haven't read any of her short stories, though! I just finished 'The Lowland' by Jhumpa Lahiri and am on the prowl for the next read!

    1. Isn't that a great feeling when you look at all of the books out there and know that the next great read is in there somewhere?

  13. Well done on the readathon, I didn't see it but sounds like a good result for you! I wondered about Vanessa and her Sister as the author is coming to our local lit fest in April.

    1. How cool! It would be so interesting to read the book and then hear her speak about it.

  14. Look at you, reading up a storm ;) I participated in the flashreadathon as much as I could. I do love a good readathon. (Really looking forward to the 24 one coming next month, wheee!)

    1. Me too! The spring one usually falls right on or around my birthday, so I tell the hubby it's a birthday present to me that I am going to read all day! :)
